Can You Learn Martial Arts Without a Partner?

Lots of people want to learn martial arts but maybe don’t live near a dojo or are uncomfortable with partnering strangers. So, can you learn martial arts without a partner?

You can learn some facets of martial arts without a partner, especially Japanese katas or Tai Chi. However, to master contact sparring or grappling, partner work will eventually be required.

Videos are a great learning resource to get you started.

In this article, we will find out the best martial arts to learn by yourself and if it’s possible to learn through videos. But we will also look at some easy martial arts to learn at home.

Let the fun begin.

What are the best martial arts to learn by yourself?

Boxing, Karate, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, and Muay Thai are some of the best martial arts to learn by yourself because so many of the techniques can be practiced alone. Muay Thai, boxing, and Taekwondo can be practiced extensively using a heavy bag.

So with a freestanding heavy bag like this great one on Amazon, you can practice punches and kicks all day long by yourself.

However, ultimately you will want to find people to practice with to know if you’ve really mastered these techniques.

The martial arts I mentioned above, like others, are better learned with others. After all, the ultimate aim in learning them is to be able to use them to defend yourself, and that entails engaging with others, right?

But at times, it’s simply not feasible to have others to practice with, or you may have some other valid reasons why you’d prefer to learn on your own. The martial arts I mentioned earlier are great if you’ll be learning alone.

You can simply imagine a sparring partner when you’re just getting started, and later, you can imagine fighting with an opponent.

Later in the article, I’ll also share an aid that would enrich your practice sessions.

One of the things you’ll observe in the martial arts I suggest you learn by yourself is that there is no grappling involved.

They are striking arts.

So, it’s a lot easier to imagine that there’s someone on the other side that you’re punching, striking, or kicking. It’s not so easy to practice grappling arts by oneself.

Want more info on how to learn Kung Fu at home?

Check out a recent article I published. In it, I looked at how long it would take to learn Kung Fu at home and whether you can learn it online. But I also revealed the best Kung Fu moves to learn at home.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Can you learn martial arts by watching videos?

Yes, you can learn martial arts by watching videos. There are some high-quality videos produced by seasoned instructors. These videos show in a structured, step-by-step manner how to become proficient.

YouTube, for example, is filled to the brim with a lot of videos on all martial arts.

And one could argue that if you’re going to be learning by yourself, videos are the way to go because, unlike text, you don’t have to rack your brains about what you’re learning.

With videos, you actually see what you’re being taught being demonstrated, and you can watch it over and over again until you’ve mastered a technique. And the videos are so many, it’s akin to having the opportunity to be taught by many teachers.

Make sure to check the “about” section of each channel.

That way, you’ll know more about the owner of the channel, their qualifications, and other notes so that you can ensure that you only watch the very best.

Interested in learning Judo at home?

That’s the theme of a recent article where I explained if Judo is easy to learn by yourself and how to learn at home. But I also shared the Judo moves that one has to practice with a partner.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

What are some easy martial arts to learn at home?

Taekwondo, Karate, Boxing, and Tai Chi are examples of some easy martial arts to learn at home. To make the best of this self-study option, videos will be invaluable, and for all but Tai Chi, plan to get a punching bag or a dummy.

Truth be told, most martial arts have a large chunk of their techniques that you can learn by yourself. In fact, some have patterns that you’ll have to practice over and over again, by yourself, even if you were training with others.

So, if you’ve got a couple of books, top-notch instructional videos, a dummy, a punching bag, a mat, you’re ready to learn. Videos are the best. You simply watch and then mimic what the instructor is doing.

You can learn a lot this way.

But even for the strongest at-home student, it would be wrong and dangerous to conclude that you’ve mastered these arts. Why? Your skills have not been tested.

Ideally, sometime in the future, you’d want to find a martial art school where you can finetune what you’ve learned by yourself.

Interested in learning more about learning Karate at home?

That’s the theme of a recent article where I explained if it takes longer to learn if you’re learning at home and whether you can learn from YouTube videos. But I also revealed if you can earn a black belt teaching yourself Karate at home.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Should I get a training dummy to practice martial arts alone? 

Yes. You can get a training dummy to practice martial arts alone. When learning by yourself, any small resource you can access could help. Of course, a dummy can’t be the same with a strong, nimble fellow charging at you!

Check out the one I recommend on Amazon. It’s got over 300 reviews, and most of them are 5 stars.

It’s made of durable and easy to wash military-grade vinyl. 

It comes in a variety of sizes and weights, so you could easily choose the one for your “division.” Practice strikes, submissions, throws, and takedowns while being secure in the knowledge that you aren’t hurting anybody. 

And it’s inexpensive.

Speaking about hurting others, Krav Maga is regarded as the most lethal self-defense system. But can you learn it at home? 

That is what I got into in a recent article where I explained if you can learn it online and if you have to get fit before you start learning. But I also shared the best Youtube videos to help you learn.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

Do I need mats to do martial arts at home?

Mats are ideal for practicing martial arts at home, especially grappling arts such as BJJ or Judo. Carpet, hardwood, or concrete all present challenges that can slow training progress and make certain moves more difficult.

The mats I recommend from Amazon are the best ones out there for home use and are cheap!

It’s 10 feet long and 4 feet wide and is made of high-density foam, making it sturdy yet comfy enough to be used for your training sessions. It is moisture-resistant, so you can wash it after heavy use to ensure it’s clean.

It’s got Velcro on the sides, so it’s easy to hook up a couple of mats together to form a larger area, and it is foldable, making it super-easy to transport. You don’t need more than 2 units to form an area that’s ideal to train on.

It’s got over 1100 reviews on Amazon, and most of them are 5 stars.

Click here to check it out on Amazon.


In the article, we found out the best martial arts to learn by yourself and if it’s possible to learn through videos.

But we also looked at some easy martial arts to learn at home. And we looked at whether it’s ideal to get a training dummy.

Lastly, we wrapped things up by considering if you’ll need mats to cover the area dedicated to your martial arts practice.

Image by Daniel Tay from Pixabay

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