Can I Learn Kung Fu at Home? (Complete Beginner’s Guide)

Thanks to Bruce Lee, everyone started hearing about Kung Fu. And these days everyone loves learning stuff online. This might leave you wondering, can I learn Kung Fu at home? It is possible to learn Kung Fu at home through YouTube videos, online classes, or courses. But a practice dummy is recommended to better understand … Read more

Can I Teach Myself Taekwondo?

Taekwondo is focused heavily on kicks. The good news is for those looking to practice at home, it’s easy to practice kicks without a partner. But what about some of the other moves? You’ve probably wondered “can I teach myself Taekwondo?” You can teach yourself the fundamentals of Taekwondo. But a heavy bag for kicks … Read more

Can You Learn Martial Arts from a Book?

Young determined karate man breaking pile of books

There are times when it’s not possible to learn martial arts at a dojo or spend hours watching instructional videos which require good internet. So, you’ve probably wondered can you learn martial arts from a book? Having practiced martial arts for years, here’s what I know: One can learn martial arts from a book. There … Read more