Can I Learn Kung Fu at Home? (Complete Beginner’s Guide)

Thanks to Bruce Lee, everyone started hearing about Kung Fu. And these days everyone loves learning stuff online. This might leave you wondering, can I learn Kung Fu at home? It is possible to learn Kung Fu at home through YouTube videos, online classes, or courses. But a practice dummy is recommended to better understand … Read more

How Effective Are Chinese Martial Arts?

Tai Chi, Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do, and others are highly popular Chinese martial arts. But some are obviously better for self-defense than others, so overall, how effective are Chinese martial arts? The vast majority of Chinese martial arts are not effective if one is looking for a self-defense system that is adaptable and reliable. … Read more

Is Kung Fu Offensive or Defensive?

Kung Fu, at one point, was the most popular martial art in the US. And it was the martial art initially practiced by martial art icon Bruce Lee. But is Kung Fu offensive or defensive? Kung Fu is actually a collective term for a variety of Chinese fighting styles, with some styles, such as Tai … Read more